Transforming neurological assessment with Anne Vivian-Scott

Precision in neurological diagnosis: the Kinarm End-Point Lab

In today's highly competitive business landscape, organizations are always seeking ways to improve their bottom line, and procurement optimization has garnered attention. However, achieving a streamlined procurement process requires a deep understanding of the challenges and best practices that come with it. Building a reliable product is critical for hardware companies to maintain customer satisfaction, brand trust, and profitability. 

Kinarm is a leading healthcare and medical technology company offering innovative solutions to improve patient outcomes and transform healthcare delivery. With a focus on neurological assessment and research.

In this blog post we'll delve into the insights shared by Anne, President & CEO of Kinarm,about the importance of optimizing procurement processes to improve an organization's financial performance. We will also take a closer look at Kinarm's technology, specifically the End-Point Lab and how it helps diagnose and manage neurological diseases and injuries with a high degree of precision.

Procurement optimization: the key to unlocking financial performance 

In today's highly competitive business landscape, organizations are always looking for ways to improve their bottom line. One area that has garnered a lot of attention in recent years is procurement. 

Anne shared valuable insights on purchasing software and procurement, she highlights that  optimizing procurement processes is key to improving an organization's financial performance. This involves streamlining and making the procurement process more efficient. By doing so, organizations can reduce costs, minimize waste, and improve overall efficiency.

However, achieving a streamlined and efficient procurement process is easier said than done. It requires a deep understanding of the procurement process, as well as the challenges and best practices that come with it. 

This includes several best practices that can help organizations optimize their procurement processes. These include things like automating routine tasks, leveraging data analytics to gain insights into spending patterns, and implementing robust supplier management processes.

As Anne pointed out, this can have a significant impact on an organization's bottom line, driving growth and success in the long run.


Building a reliable product: the key to happy customers and positive references

Anne's emphasis on building a robust product that does not fail in the field is a critical factor for hardware companies. Failure of the product in the field not only results in the cost of fixing it but also makes the customer unhappy. As Anne mentions, customer satisfaction is key, and maintaining a positive relationship with clients is essential. Hardware companies must understand the client's needs to provide quality products and maintain a good relationship with their customers.

The Kinarm technology's reliability is a testament to the importance of building a robust product. The extensive testing of all components and the expectation that the robots themselves will be great is proof of the meticulous effort that goes into ensuring the product's reliability.

Anne's understanding of both the technical and marketing aspects of the business enables her to provide a better understanding of the client's needs and the significance of maintaining a good relationship with customers.

Hardware companies that prioritize building a robust product increase their chances of having happy customers who can provide positive feedback and references. Positive feedback and references help build trust in the company and its products, increasing its customer base and profitability. Building a robust product is crucial for hardware companies to maintain customer satisfaction, brand trust, and profitability.

Kinarm End-point Lab: precise diagnosis and management of neurological Diseases and Injuries

Anne share some very interesting information about how Kinarm End-Point Lab works. This t is a bimanual robot designed to help neuroscientists and clinicians understand brain function in patients. The system involves a virtual reality task in which the patient is asked to hit soft balls with the robot's hands. The robot records a significant amount of data during the task, which is then analyzed to help diagnose and manage brain injuries or diseases.

This solution is useful for understanding rapid bimanual tasks such as the Boulder task. Patients are required to decide which hand to use first and make quick decisions as the task gets faster and faster. If a patient has a brain injury, they may not be able to perform the task as effectively as they could before. By recording and analyzing data during the task, clinicians can see how a patient is performing relative to their age, sex, and hand match control subjects. This provides a high degree of precision in measuring brain function and can help diagnose and manage neurological diseases.

The scoring system used is much more precise than traditional scoring systems, which are typically coarse and subjective. This technology provides important information to clinicians that helps them make better treatment decisions for their patients. By delivering clear and quantifiable data, the Kinarm m Endpoint Lab helps clinicians better manage brain injuries and monitor patients' progress over time.

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