Tech Transforming Agriculture with Kevin Kleber

Tech Transforming Agriculture with Kevin Kleber 

Today’s guest is Kevin Kleber, he’s an MSc in Robotics from ETH Zurich, he specializes in drones and computer vision, driven by his passion for using artificial intelligence to promote sustainable agriculture, he co-founded SUIND, a company that works to assist farmers across the world to increase their yield, reducing global hunger. 

An idea that was soon materialized

SUIND parts from a crucial fact: Globally, a third of all crops are lost before harvest. The reason lies in the proliferation of pests and diseases. So when Kunal Shrivastava approached Kevin during their postgraduate studies at ETH Zurich with an idea for a start-up that would work on the development of really autonomous drones, the decision came easy. However there was still a thing to decide, what sort of industry would be their target? Market analysis and research combined with their passion for making an impact on the world created the right answer: Agriculture. 

Agriculture, the right choice 

Compared to other industries, agriculture seemed to be always a couple of steps behind on the road of technology and automation. Something that didn’t make sense, because that delicious food you just ate this afternoon, that fresh fruit on your table, and basically most of the nutrients that we need to live and thrive as humans come from agriculture. So why wouldn't we invest in finding solutions to protect it? SUIND is on its path to solving this problem, and it appears it has the potential and passion to achieve it. 


Minimal human intervention, maximum positive impact. 

SUIND prides itself on how simple it is to use its technology, as Kleber says, the degree of human intervention is minimal, their drones can precisely assess the health of crops and identify any possible sources of stress way before it becomes visible to us, humans. Just imagine the amount of food that can be saved by doing that. And the process doesn’t end, SUIND is really a full-stack agricultural solution. Once areas of stress are detected across the crops, a diagnosis is carried out based on advanced deep-learning solutions, this is something worthy of attention because it’s thanks to this technology that the most effective medicines can be found and properly provided. 

Multifaceted benefits 

One of the coolest things about SUIND, and we just mentioned it, it’s that it’s not solely focused on creating a single solution. They’re cultivating a large network of knowledge capable of ideating the right formula between AI, robotics, agriculture practices, and environmental challenges. Their spraying drones, for example, are carefully designed and built to considerably  reduce the use of pesticides and water 

Automation is not just an option, it is essential. 

Kleber shares with us many great lessons, after all the introduction of technology in agriculture is still a work in progress, yet above everything else, he highlights how mind-blowing was to fully understand the scale agriculture has on many developing countries. Places that shape the present and future of agriculture and that at the moment are facing questions like: How can I protect my crops better? What sort of measures do I need to take in the wake of climate change? Why aren't my crops yielding as much as in the past? And, of course, the beginning to solve all those challenges lies next to data intelligence and automation. 

You just have to keep trying 

And find your motivation, for all the young aspiring entrepreneurs out there, that’s what really makes the difference, according to Kleber. Be prepared for the long road ahead, it’s fine to not know all the answers by heart the moment you start, that’s what learning is all about, but you have to give your heart a desire, a dream built on a strong passion, so when things start to go south you can be ready to keep on the journey. In his case, his love for giving people something that makes their lives better, that helps to shape a chain of change in the way agriculture is approached, maintains his spirits in good shape. Tests and products can change according to what you learn and discover, but it’s that driver, that special mission that puts a smile on your face when your drones end up hanging on the trees that’s going to determine your success. 

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