From Ingredients to Meals with Subina Shami

Do you love cooking? 

You could say yes, or you could say no thanks, there’s something however that we all love. 

Homemade food.

And yet, few of us can deny the fact that cooking a meal on our own just takes time. Time that we might necessarily not have. 

If that’s you, then our conversation with Subina Shami will make you happy. Subina is the Founder of CuisineMachine, a company that’s changing the way you cook homemade food. 

Born from the kitchen

Subina is a financial specialist and has worked for more than 15 years in her area at different companies. She was a really busy professional but as a mother she wanted her children to have healthy meals during the week, this meant that she would spend her weekends inmersed in the kitchen, cooking dish after dish.  After a conversation with a friend she wondered why there wasn’t a solution to help her with all of that hard work? 

She didn’t know back then but it was the beginning of a fabulous idea. 

A long journey 

When Subina started to search for solutions it was sometime between 2008 and 2009, so the use of technology and the role of automation was still a  very futuristic idea, she shared with us how after a long ideation process, obstacles and doubts, almost 10 years later CuisineMachine got its first patent. 

The perfect design 

There might be many kitchen appliances out in the market, but what really makes CuisineMachine stand out is that it integrates several functions in one, featuring easy-to-follow, pre-set recipes that walk you through every step. It automatically adds ingredients at the right times, so you can enjoy perfectly balanced meals without wasting time. 

Works for everyone 

CuisineMachine is still a work in progress, but anyone who knows about the idea can agree that both the commercial and general public are going to hugely benefit from it. For businesses like restaurants or any other company that works with hospitality, it will mean that your staff can manage their time better, reduce food waste thanks to the product’s compartments, and even save money. For people at their home, it’s just more free time to enjoy along with a healthier lifestyle. 


Inclusion, a key part of the recipe

Yes, CuisineMachine is designing a cooking robot, but as Subina put it, it’s more than that. One of the company’s first clients is going to be an organization that works with people who need care assistance. So if someone has a disability and worries that they won’t be able to have a nutritious diet, now they can breathe relieved knowing that CuisineMachine takes care of everything. 

No more poor nutrition 

And speaking about inclusion, CuisineMachine is also going to be a wonderful companion for the elderly population. There are more than one million elderly people malnourished just because they no longer have the ability to cook for themselves, their solution is to rely on frozen ready-to-eat meals, but of course that has a negative impact on their health.  CuisineMachine knows this and with its product, it can actually reverse that situation.  And not just for the senior, as Subina tells us, the idea is that everyone who needs it can even adapt the recipes to their needs. 

Do not give up

For everyone out there who’s thinking about being an entrepreneur, Subina has some excellent advice: Keep going. Even when there are going to be times when you think that it doesn’t have a point to keep going with your vision, you must find the strength to move forward and not stay in the what if.  To make this easier, it’s a good idea to rely on a support group, having people that matter close to you just makes the journey simpler and happier. 

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