Fresh Coffee in 30 Seconds with Adrian Deasy

Who doesn’t love coffee?

Well, the author of this blog doesn’t but she still appreciates the worth of something unique.

And unique, is the word we could use to describe what Adrian Deasy is doing with Octane Coffee.

So grab a cup and get ready to discover a new way to get your favorite beverage. 

A simple comment, a bigger project

Adrian Deasy is a mechanical engineer, so he has always had a passion for building things from scratch, however, he recognizes that the idea for Octane Coffe came as a random comment when he went to a convention and saw a large line of people waiting at a Starbucks for a cup of coffee.  Yes, the coffee is amazing but do we really have to wait 20-30 min to get it? Why nobody has automated somehow the process? A friend of his listened and gave his approval and suddenly the idea was on its way to become a business. 

The right opportunity, the right time 

When Adrian set on the journey to develop a new way to approach drive-thru it was between 2018 and 2019, so his vision of fully automating the process of getting a coffee while you pass by with your car, required a level of mobile technology that wasn’t on the minds of most people. Back in that day, the sole idea of booking a table at a restaurant from an app in your phone was still a bit futuristic, so what Octane Coffee wanted wasn’t viewed with much hope. 

Then the pandemic arrived and everything came to a halt, something that just like Adrian says was beneficial because it would allow him to activate his business plan into the right context.

A thing of the future

Yes, nowadays we can do pretty much anything with a few taps on our phones but have you ever imagined that you could order a cup of coffee from an app, get in your car, and start heading your way and in between pass by a drive-thru and that a robot would be waiting with a perfect cup of steamy coffee? Sci-fi too much? Well, ask Octane Coffe because that’s exactly what they are doing. 


30 seconds or less 

The process is as straightforward as it can be, clients only need to download their easy-to-use app, choose their favorite customized drink, hit the drive-thru, scan the QR code and that’s it. They get their order in 30 seconds or less. How? Well, as a customer approaches the drive-thru the system is programmed to start making the order so when the client arrives, it has the ideal temperature. 

Automation, the key to speed

It’s crazy to picture the amount of effectiveness Octane Coffee offers to its customers because it almost sounds too perfect to be true. But it’s all about the power of automation, robotics, and well artificial intelligence. Whether it’s for a hot or cold beverage, the system can predict how much time it takes to reach the ideal temperature and works along the GPS of the client’s car so it can calculate the exact time the order needs to be ready to go. 


To wrap up our conversation with Adrian, we asked him if he could give some advice to the young people out there who are looking for guidance in the entrepreneurial world, and his answer was one really to remember. Success is absolutely a brilliant and alluring thing, but every entrepreneur needs to bear in mind that there aren’t highs without lows, and for business, especially when you are first starting out, you’ll probably face more obstacles than wins. And that’s fine, but you need to have the passion, a vision that keeps you moving forward, even if it’s a slow pace. 

Finding someone to share your pains, is also important, ideally it would be a mentor, someone who already knows your aspired industry, but it could also be that person that really understands what you are doing and shares your enthusiasm. 

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