Czero’s Engineering for the Future of Energy with Guy Babbitt

Climate change is here and nothing seems to make it go away. 

So instead of asking ourselves how to stop it, we are now searching for ways to adapt our processes and operations to the new reality. 

Trying to make things better in terms of sustainability is at the top of priorities for both companies and clients. 

Relying on clean energy sources is usually one of the most effective ways to increase the impact of your eco-friendly practices.

But how?

Today's guest, Guy Babbitt, CEO of  Czero a company that's working to create advanced solutions for clean energy 


Guy has more than 30 years of experience and holds a PhD in mechanical engineering, he has been working at Czero for 18 years now, so he's definitely the person to go to discover what makes a company thrive.

The pathway 

As an experienced engineer, Guy knows that the best way to approach a new project, especially one that might seem ready to revolutionize the market, is to see things from a holistic perspective, the main question you have to solve is how this product, how this new idea can be not only technically feasible but also economically viable. 

The mission 

Czero’s identity as a company is oriented to mitigate the negative impact of climate change, especially regarding clean energy. Even the name, a combination of carbon + zero, hints about how important it is for the business to build a cleaner future for all of us.


Helping others 

As Guy says, Czero doesn't have any physical products but rather they work with their clients to build those products for their companies. One of the stellar projects is the crazy quiet power system, which is definitely more efficient than the traditional power generation system.

The challenge 

In 18 years of experience, you can bet there've been some serious challenges along the way. From identifying the viability of a project to building tools that didn't even exist in the market. 

Guy's solution?

Rely on the expertise and passion of your team


Okay but how can you know that you can actually trust the people working with you?

In Czero's case, it is all about mission alignment. If you find talent that's 100% inspired and driven by what your company wants to achieve then you've probably completed half of the job.  Recognizing their worth is also important, give them the time they need to keep improving, to learn so you can build not only a productive environment but also a nice one. 

For the entrepreneurs 

Develop your mission first 

That's Guy's first advice 

Think about what you can change in the world. What makes you feel like you have a purpose? 

Once you get the answers, you can start focusing on connecting with people who share the same values as your mission, and this is not only reserved for your team but also for the people who have already made a similar journey. You don't have to do everything alone. 

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