Autonomous Drones Redefining Delivery with Beth Filippo

Logistics are changing now more than ever, and if you have doubts, you can listen to our conversation with today’s guest Beth Filippo, CEO of Drone Express.  A company dedicated to improving the quality of life of urban and hard-to-reach communities by delivering products right to their doors. 

The bonus? It’s completely sustainable. 

A Different Delivery Process 

Drone Express's value proposition is simple but effective: They use fully autonomous drones to deliver goods quickly and adhere to eco-friendly practices. Some clicks on your phone and your order is brought to your door.  Reducing delivery times and harmful greenhouse emissions compared to traditional delivery methods.

Working for Local Communities 

Buying online is definitely the new normal for human society and no matter what happens, the popularity of e-commerce isn't going anywhere. But as Beth says, this has left a bit behind local business. Drone Express is working to change that, offering customers to complete their shopping within 15 minutes by putting on the forefront local commerce. 

One Delivery at a Time. One Road towards Evolution 

Yes, drones are a wonderful sustainable alternative to traditional transportation mechanisms but the benefits don't end there. What Drone Express is bringing to the market, absolutely redesign the way products are delivered. It's faster, safer, and more efficient than delivery trucks. So why wouldn't we see perhaps 1000 drones in a couple of years instead of 1000 trucks? 

The Obstacle

Seen from the outside, it might look as if putting a drone in the air is just a matter of moving some basic controls around. Well, that couldn't be more far from reality. Air transportation is safe, yes, safer than anything maybe, but to reach that level of accuracy and carefulness a lot of work is undertaken. Since its foundation in 2021, Drone Express has committed itself to going under all the possible tests and trials of the industry, reaching the highest levels of certification. 


Opening New Jobs Opportunities 

You can see more in the interview but it's inspiring how Beth constantly highlights the importance local communities have for her company. She shared with us that while the drones are 100% autonomous, drone pilots are required to sit in front of the screen and make sure that everything is going as planned. For that, local people can enroll themselves in short-term courses and be easily ready to develop a new career path. 

Ready to Embrace Growth 

One of the most fascinating aspects of success is that suddenly everyone wants to be by your side. Something like that is what's happening with Drone Express. Different industries are already calling them, eager to be part of the revolution Beth is leading. For now, she says, her team is focused on the development of their app and the creation of their very own marketplace. A platform where people are going to be able to get what they want in a matter of minutes. 

Endless Possibilities 

Usually, when we think about delivery, we might think about groceries stores or restaurants but what about that piece that your mechanic is missing to get your car back on the road again? Or that special material that the construction site needs to complete the project?  How much time would be saved if those tasks were carried out by drones? How much urban space could be liberated without so many highways? Those questions are what drives Beth and her Drone Express team to keep moving. 

The Best Advice 

 As humans, fear is so common that when we have to make a decision, we always consider it as a relevant factor. Well, when we asked Beth for a piece of advice for everyone out there who's thinking about becoming an entrepreneur in the drone field, she replied saying that the last thing you need is to be afraid. There's always going to be people saying that your idea is out of reality, but that can be because they just don't see yet that reality is already changing. So stick with what you want to do and the person who you want to become and get ready for a transformative journey.

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